
Vertical Machining Center

1. What is a Vertical Machining Center?

A vertical machining center is a machining center where the spindle is placed vertically. The spindle refers to the milling spindle which holds and rotates tool holder. This is distinguished from the turning spindle which holds and rotates workpieces.

The following figure is the most typical vertical machining center. It is DNM5700 from DN Solutions. The photo shows that the safety door is open and there is a table where the workpiece can be installed, at the top you can see the appearance of a milling spindle.

DNS DNM 5700

2. Components of vertical machining centers

2.1 Milling spindle

The maximum rotation speed, taper size, and bearing diameter of the milling spindle are important factors.

The technical capability of machine tools is a question of which machine tool builder performs the best under the same conditions. The prerequisite for comparing spindle performance is the bearing diameter. Under the premise of the same bearing diameter, "Which brand can provide the highest spindle speed at the lowest price It's competitiveness.

Specifications of commercialized products are not determined by technological capabilities, but by market demand. Of course, suppliers with high technological capabilities can provide a variety of products.

2.1.1 Spindle taper

Available spindle tapers are as follows:

Spindle taperSizeApplication
7/24 Taper#25Engraving machine, Tapping center
#30Tapping center
#40VMCs(below X1600)
HMCs(below table 630)
#50VMCs(over X1000)
HMCs(over table 500)
Boring machines
#60Boring machines
HSKHSK-E32Ultra-high speed spindle(over 40000rpm)
HSK-E32Ultra-high speed spindle(over 50000rpm)
HSK-E40Ultra-high speed spindle(over 40000rpm)
HSK-A63Similar to #40
HSK-F63Similar to #40
HSK-A100Similar to #50

2.2.2 Power transmission mode of milling spindle

Power transmissionCharacteristics
BeltThe spindle is driven by a belt. Mainly timing belts are used in milling spindles.
GearThe spindle is driven by gears. By reducing speed, high torque can be obtained.
In-lineThe motor axes and the spindle axis are on the same axis, and the two axes are directly connected.
Built-in motorThe spindle and the motor are integrated as a milling spindle.

2.3 Structures of VMCs

2.3.1 C-frame
Source: DN Solutions DNM 4505
The spindle head, column, and bed are combined in a C-shaped structure.
2.3.2 Double column

A bed and two left and right column form a structure, with the upper part forming the X-axis for left and right movement. The Z-axis is placed on the X-axis, and the table is placed on the bed to form the Y-axis. Unlike portal structures, the placement of the X and Y axes is different.

2.3.3 Portal stucture

A bed and two left and right columes form a machine structure, with the upper part forming a Y-axis for left and right movement. The Z-axis is placed on the Y-axis, and a table is placed on the bed to form the X-axis. The difference from the double column type is the placement of the X and Y axes.

The drive mechanism of X axis varies depending on the length of the axis. In general, when the X-axis is less than 6 meters, the ball screw drive is used, and when it is greater than 6 meters, the rack & pinion is used.

2.3.4 Portal structure with z-axis cross-rail

A bed and two left and right columes form a machine structure, with a cross rail forming a Z-axis for up and down movement. The Y-axis is placed on the Z-axis, and a table is placed on the bed to form the X-axis.

source: Pinnacle DU1412

source: Mikron MILL P 1400 U

2.3.5 Gantry

The three axes of XYZ are arranged on the upper part of machine structure.

The drive mechanism of X asie varies depending on the length of the axis. In general, when the X-axis is less than 6 meters, the ball screw drive is used, and when it is greater than 6 meters, the rack & pinion is used.

Even if the machine becomes longer, the weight of the moving part will not increase, which is beneficial for large machine. This type of machines has multiple names. Bridge type is commonly used too.

2.3.6 High-column gantry

The structure of the high column gantry is basically the same as that of the gantry, with the X-axis composed on the upper part of the machine.

2.3.7 Small gantry

The three linear axes of XYZ are placed on the upper part of the mechanical structure as the Gantry, but X-axis moves left and right across the column.

2.3.8 Moving column

Three linear axes of XYZ are constructed on a moving column.

source: Bumotec s191V

2.3.9 Planer type

On the bed, the table moves in the X-axis direction and the columns moves in the Y-axis and Z-axis direction.

source: C.B.Ferrari ML 45

source: Matsuura MX-850

2.3.10 XZ-moving table

On the bed, the table moves in the X-axis and Z=axis direction and the milling head moves in the Y-axis direction.

source: starrag LX 251

2.3.11 Reversed T-type

On the bed, the table moves in the Y-axis direction, the moving column moves in the X-axis direction, and the spindle head moves in the Z-axis direction.

source: ENSHU SV130

2.4 Table

2.4.1 Table geometry and configuration Quadrangle

Tables of the 3-axis vertical machining centers are mostly rectangular.

Some rotary table of 4th axis or 5th axis sometimes have a square or rectangular shape. Circle

Rotary tables that form the fourth or fifth axis often have circular shape. Circle with two edges

Some rotary tables have circular shapes with parallel edges. A fixed rectangular table and circular rotating table respectively

In 4-axis or 5-axis vertical machining centers, some machines have a fixed rectangular table and a circular rotary table respectively.

source: C.B.Ferrari D230 A fixed rectangular table with a circular rotary table inside

In 4-axis or 5-axis vertical machining centers, a rotary table can be mounted into a fixed rectangular table. In this case, the surfaces of the two table surfaces are on the same plane.

source: C.B.Ferrari D230 A fixed rectangular table and a circular rotary table placed on top

In 4-axis or 5-axis vertical machining centers, a rotary table can be mounted on a fixed rectangular table. 2 rotary tables(fixed 1-axis rotary table + moving 2-axis rotary table)

Some 5-axis vertical machining centers are equipped with 2 rotary tables. To improve utilization, one can be composed of a 1-axis turntable and the other can be composed of a 2-axis. A movable turntable can improve utilization efficiency more.

출처: C.B.Ferrari A236

3 Quantity of feed axes

According to the number of feed axes, vertical machining centers can be divided into 3-axis, 4-axis, and 5-axis vertical machining centers. The feed axis in the same direction is considered as one axis. For example, on a portal machining center, there are the Z-axis of the ram and the W-axis of the cross rail in the Z-axis direction, but they are calculated as one axis.

If the turning function is assigned to a 5-axis machining center, it is classified as a 5-axis Millturn vertical machining center.

3.1 3-axis VMC

In most cases, a 3-axis vertical machining center consists of three linear axes X, Y, Z.

3.2 4-axis VMC

A 4-axis vertical machining center consists of three linear axes (X, Y, Z) and one rotational axis (one of A, B, C). The characteristics of the machine can vary greatly depending on the location of rotational axis.

3.3 5-axis VMC

A 5-axis vertical machining center consists of three linear axes (X, Y, Z) and two rotational axes (tow of A, B, C). The characteristics of the machine can vary greatly depending on the location of rotational axes.

3.4 5-axis Millturn VMC

A 5-axis millturn vertical machining center consists of three linear axes (X, Y, Z) and two rotational axis (tow of A, B, C). The table is equipped with a turning spindle function.

4 Machine configuration

Let's integrate all the above features. Let's take a look at the next picture.

Concept diagram of VMC

H1: Milling spindle #1
H2: Milling spindle #2
R1: Ram #1
R2: Ram #2
RT1: Rotary table #1
RT2: Rotary table #2
T1: Tool post #1
T2: Tool post #2
T3: Tool post #3
T4: Tool post #4
TB1: Table #1
TB2: Table #2
XYZABC: Axes on Milling spindle or Table
F: Frame
CR: Cross Rail

This is the conceptual diagram of a vertical machining center. Although it may seem a bit complex, this is what modern vertical machining centers look like. As long as you understand this concept, you can distinguish most of the machines currently available in the market.

5 Types of VMCs

5.1 Conventional vertical milling machine

This is a vertical milling machine manually operated by handwheels.

5.1 Semi-NC vertical milling machine

This is a machine having CNC controls in conventional vertical milling machine, which can be operated manually, by semi-NC, and by CNC control.

Fryer MB-14Q

source: Fryer MB-14Q

5.1 3-xis vertical NC milling machine

It is a machine without an ATC (Tool Exchange Device) on a 3-axis vertical machining center. Tool exchange is manually performed.


source: DMTG XD-40A

5.2 3 axis vertical machining center

5.2.1 Turret-type 3 axis vertical machining center

The turret type 3 axis vertical machining center is a combination of a milling spindle and a tool indexing device. Like a horizontal turning center with a turret, tool exchange is carried out by indexing it's turret.


source: SUGINO V6

5.2.2 C-frame 3-axis VMCs

5.3 5-aixs VMCs

5.3.1 C-frame 5-aixs VMCs Head[B] Table[C]

Sunmill UH-500

source: Sunmill UH-500

5.3.2 Moving-column 5-aixs VMCs


source: AWEA FCV-620

5.3.3 Small-gantry 5-aixs VMCs

5.3.4 Double-column 5-aixs VMCs

5.3.5 Gantry 5-aixs VMCs

5.4 5-axis Millturn VMC

5.4.1 Moving-column 5-axis Millturn VMC

source: C.B.Ferrari A236

1 Milling spindle

No.Milling spindle taperStroke XStructurebutton
17:24 taper No. 400~500AllSUBMIT
27:24 taper No. 40500~600AllSUBMIT
37:24 taper No. 40600~700AllSUBMIT
47:24 taper No. 40700~800AllSUBMIT
57:24 taper No. 40800~900AllSUBMIT
67:24 taper No. 401000~1100AllSUBMIT
77:24 taper No. 401100~1200AllSUBMIT
87:24 taper No. 401200~1300AllSUBMIT
97:24 taper No. 401300~1300AllSUBMIT
107:24 taper No. 401400~1500AllSUBMIT
117:24 taper No. 401500~1600AllSUBMIT

1 Milling spindle Bed type
No.Milling spindle taperStroke XStructurebutton

1 Milling spindle C-frame

No.Milling spindle taperStroke XStructurebutton
17:24 taper No. 400~500C-frameSUBMIT
27:24 taper No. 40500~600C-frameSUBMIT
37:24 taper No. 40600~700C-frameSUBMIT
47:24 taper No. 40700~800C-frameSUBMIT
57:24 taper No. 40800~900C-frameSUBMIT
67:24 taper No. 401000~1100C-frameSUBMIT
77:24 taper No. 401100~1200C-frameSUBMIT
87:24 taper No. 401200~1300C-frameSUBMIT
97:24 taper No. 401300~1300C-frameSUBMIT
107:24 taper No. 401400~1500C-frameSUBMIT
117:24 taper No. 401500~1600C-frameSUBMIT

1 Milling spindle Double column

No.Milling spindle taperStroke XStructurebutton
17:24 taper No. 40600~700Double columnSUBMIT
27:24 taper No. 40700~800Double columnSUBMIT
37:24 taper No. 40800~900Double columnSUBMIT
47:24 taper No. 40900~1000Double columnSUBMIT
57:24 taper No. 401000~1100Double columnSUBMIT

1 Milling spindle Gantry

No.Milling spindle taperStroke XStructurebutton
17:24 taper No. 503000~4000GantrySUBMIT
27:24 taper No. 504000~5000GantrySUBMIT
37:24 taper No. 505000~6000GantrySUBMIT
47:24 taper No. 506000~7000GantrySUBMIT
57:24 taper No. 507000~8000GantrySUBMIT
67:24 taper No. 508000~9000GantrySUBMIT
77:24 taper No. 509000~10000GantrySUBMIT
87:24 taper No. 5010000~12000GantrySUBMIT
97:24 taper No. 5012000~14000GantrySUBMIT
107:24 taper No. 5014000~16000GantrySUBMIT
117:24 taper No. 5016000~18000GantrySUBMIT
127:24 taper No. 5018000~20000GantrySUBMIT
137:24 taper No. 5020000~22000GantrySUBMIT

1 Milling spindle Knee type
No.Milling spindle taperStroke XStructurebutton

1 Milling spindle Moving column
No.Milling spindle taperStroke XStructurebutton

1 Milling spindle Planer type
No.Milling spindle taperStroke XStructurebutton

1 Milling spindle Portal

No.Milling spindle taperStroke XStructurebutton
17:24 taper No. 501000~1500PortalSUBMIT
27:24 taper No. 501500~2000PortalSUBMIT
37:24 taper No. 502000~3000PortalSUBMIT
47:24 taper No. 503000~4000PortalSUBMIT
57:24 taper No. 504000~5000PortalSUBMIT
67:24 taper No. 505000~6000PortalSUBMIT
77:24 taper No. 506000~7000PortalSUBMIT

1 Milling spindle Small gantry
No.Milling spindle taperStroke XStructurebutton